What experiences did you gain during your studies at VMI that helped you develop as a media composer?
"I would say, the practical homework assignments were crucial in my development as a media composer. They were the perfect opportunity to explore new ideas and techniques in a creative way. Some of the projects on my Youtube Channel (e.g. Turning math into music, Spektrum) were actually assignments for various courses."
Can you tell us about your approach to composing music for different media formats such as film, TV, advertising or games?
"I would say my approach for my study course was a little bit untraditional, because I was more interested in making or finding the media for my music rather than the other way around. Of course, I’ve created music for film, video games and other forms of media, and inevitably, going one way will help you go the other way. For example, practicing matching film scenes with parts of music that you’re listening to will help you better appreciate what type of music matches certain images."
What kind of projects did you undertake during your studies and what role did you play as a media composer?
"During my studies, I made sure to participate in every kind of project there was in my curriculum (ex. electronic pieces, solo instrumental, large orchestra arrangements and sound installations). There was one project I did in the first year with the Composer’s ensemble, where I wrote a piece for three acoustic guitars and two violins. The acoustic guitars were meant to be played with pens with rosin to emulate the sound of a cello. I also got to conduct an ensemble for the first time in that project and it was overall really fun."
What musical influences inspire you in your work as a media composer and how do you integrate them into your compositions?
"I would say Maurice Ravel is one of those composers that sets the standard for musical beauty in my opinion and I would love to integrate that kind of musical style with some equally stunning visual media. It could be a solo piano piece in the style of Ravel played on a self-playing piano set on the side of a cliff with a beautiful natural landscape in the background."
What skills or knowledge have you acquired outside of your studies that are relevant to your work as a media composer?
"Mathematics was definitely the one thing that changed my perspective on music the most. I started learning about the connection between math and music after my lecturer (at that time), Samu Gryllus, recommended me the book “Musimathics” by Gareth Loy. Since then I’ve been approaching music theory from the perspective of math, which felt like a super power, because I could finally understand the structure, the logic behind these musical objects like chords and scales, which until then were kind of mysterious to me. Now, whenever I want to create a new piece of music, I can just play around with these objects that have become like pieces of a puzzle. In the end, however, it is still my personal judgement of aesthetics that determines how these pieces of puzzle are connected."
What advice would you give to aspiring media composers preparing for a career in this field?
"My favourite thing to do was to innovate, to be creative. And I will never regret exploring and creating vastly different things, which requires more of a generalistic mindset. My advice is to broaden one’s spectrum of knowledge and experience in the early stages as much as possible. You will have enough time to become a specialist in the area that you like, but first you must discover what you like."