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Brief description

In addition to the regular training program, the VMI offers ongoing workshops, seminars, and guest lectures on various topics with local and international music makers, experts from the music industry, and lecturers from partner universities of the VMI. Such offers enrich the regular study program. Participation is usually free of charge for students. 


Workshops summer semester 2022

  • 04.03.2022: Basic Tools and Methods of Songwriting (Guest Lecturer Jere Laukkanen, Metropolia UAS Helsinki)

  • 11.03.2022: Copyright + Contract Law Factory (Guest Lecturer Jason Aylesworth, Esq., New York, USA)

  • 18.03.2022: From cultural differences to cultural synergy (Guest Lecturer Ronen Abas, HKU Utrechts Conservatorium)

  • 25.03.2022: Music Production/international musical collaboration (Guest Lecturer Alberto Palacios Anaut, Música Creativa)

  • 04.04.2022: Erasmus+ House of Europe International Songwriting Project Utrecht 

  • 05.04.2022: Erasmus+ House of Europe International Songwriting Project Utrecht 

  • 06.04.2022: Erasmus+ House of Europe International Songwriting Project Utrecht 

  • 07.04.2022: Erasmus+ House of Europe International Songwriting Project Utrecht 

  • 08.04.2022: Erasmus+ House of Europe International Songwriting Project Utrecht 

  • 13.06.2022: Self-promotion for newcomers without a label (Guest Lecturer Jörg Peters)

  • 22.06.2022: Music publisher Universal Edition (Guest Lecturer Sarah Laila Standke and Andreas Bintinger)



Event period: February-July and September-January
Event duration: Depending on the event between 2 hours and several days


Requirements: Online registration and minimum age of 15 years. Persons from non-EU countries require proof of a valid residence permit for Austria for the duration of the event.


Instructors: These events are led by international music professionals, music industry professionals, and lecturers from VMI partner universities.


References: Upon request, appropriate confirmations can be issued by the VMI for participation in these events. 


Participation fees:

€ 0 for VMI students

€ 40-80 for external persons (depending on the type of event).

Online registration

Online registrations for workshops, seminars, and guest lectures can only be made via the VMI homepage. Subject to available places, external persons may also register for these events.   


Registration deadline: Up to 24 hours before the respective event.

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