International partner schools
The VMI considers itself very fortunate to have partnerships and excellent cooperation with a whole range of renowned educational institutions as well as universities and colleges, with whom numerous projects and reciprocal guest visits have been successfully carried out in recent years
ICMP - Institute of Contemporary Music Performance (www.icmp.co.uk)
SHR Hochschule der populären Künste (www.srh-berlin.de)
Fontys University Rockacademie (www.fontys.nl/rockacademie)
Conservatorio di Musica "Nino Rota" (www.conservatoriodimonopoli.org)
Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio (www.uax.es)
Conservatorio di Musica "Luisa D'Annunzio" (www.conservatoriopescara.it)
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (www.metropolia.fi)
National Music Academy "Prof. Pancho Vladigerov" (www.nma.bg)
Sonus Factory - Music Performance Institute (www.sonusfactory.com)
LACM - Los Angeles College of Music (www.lacm.edu)
Drum Trainer Berlin (www.drumtrainer.de)
​Conservatorio di Musica D. Cimarosa (www.conservatoriocimarosa.org)
Acustica Audio (www.acustica-audio.com)
Boss - Roland Europe Group (www.boss.info)
Drum Service (www.drumservice.at)
IK Multimedia (www.ikmultimedia.com)
Kontrabassbau Kanzian & Traunsteiner (www.kontrabass-wien.at)
Markbass Amplification (www.markbass.it)
Meinl Symbals (www.meinlcymbals.com)
Musikhaus Förstl (www.mietklaviere.at)
Musikhaus Klangfarbe (www.klangfarbe.at)
Neubauer Guitars (www.neubauerguitars.com)
Roli Seabord Rise (www.roli.com)
sE Electronics (www.seelectronics.com )
Sonor Drums (www.sonor.com)
Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH (www.steinberg.net)
PRS Guitars (www.prsguitars.com)
Tegeler Audio Manufaktur GmbH (www.tegeler.com)
Tools at work (www.toolsatwork.com)
UE - Universal Edition (www.universaledition.com)
Yamaha Music Europe GmbH (www.yamaha.at)
Music industry
The VMI-Vienna Music Institute maintains close partnerships with leading companies in the music industry. These cooperations offer our students valuable practical experience and exclusive insights into the music industry and at the same time contribute to the professionalization and modernization of education.
Austrian Composers Association (www.austriancomposers.com)
Cafe Carina (www.cafe-carina.at)
Frau Mayer (www.fraumayer.at)
G5 - Live Music Bar (www.g5musicgroup.at)
Kulturverein Sargfabrik (www.sargfabrik.at)
Planet Music (www.planet.tt)
Porgy & Bess (www.porgy.at)
Reigen Live (www.reigen.at)
The Loft (www.theloft.at)
Wiener Konzerthaus (www.konzerthaus.at)
Cooperation with BOSS - Roland Europe Group

We are very pleased about the partnership between the VMI and the BOSS Roland Europe Group!
The new cooperation with BOSS enables our students to work with outstanding equipment from a world leader in the development of innovative musical instruments. BOSS products are absolute must-haves for musicians: Effects pedals, amplifiers, and digital recording devices - BOSS is a top brand when it comes to such equipment!
Cooperation with IK Multimedia

Originally from Italy, IK Multimedia is one of the world's leading innovators of app development, software, hardware, accessory products for music production and playback on computers and mobile devices. Effective immediately, our students will have access to the state-of-the-art iLoud Precision 6 speakers and the brand new Total Studio 4 MAX software suite in the studio.
iLoud Precision 6 Speaker © IK Multimedia
Cooperation with PRS Guitars

We are delighted to share with you the news that we have officially begun long-term cooperation with PRS Guitars! Over the past three and a half decades, this renowned company has earned a well-deserved reputation for producing some of the highest quality instruments on the market. Through the cooperation with PRS Guitars, students and teachers at VMI now have the opportunity to borrow the following instruments for teaching purposes and ensemble rehearsals as part of the institute's daily routine:
Electric guitars: PRS SE Silver Sky, PRS SE Hollowbody Piezo, PRS S2 Mccarty 594 Thinline, PRS CE24.
Electric basses: PRS Kestral Bass (Tri-col), PRS Kingfisher Bass (Nat).
Amp: PRS Sonera 20
© PRS Guitars
Cooperation with Tegeler Audio Manufaktur

The VMI and Tegeler Audio Manufaktur - a Berlin-based manufacturer of high-quality high-end products are pleased to announce the start of a long-term planned cooperation:
A first delivery of Tegeler's handmade products to the VMI's music production department has already been made. With the so-called "Creme", students of the VMI now have a compressor and EQ working at the highest level in one device, so that music productions can be created even more professionally in the future.
© Nils Conrad
The VCTR (Vari Tube Recording Channel) from Tegeler will follow at the beginning of next year. The preamplifier, developed for professionals with a worldwide unique feature, will then give sound colorations of studio recordings a perfect and variable character.
The Vienna Music Institute is very pleased about the cooperation with Tegeler Audio Manufaktur and will publish its experiences with the products of the Berlin manufacturer in future test reports.
Cooperation with Tegeler Audio Manufaktur

We have been working with Arturia for several years now. They support us with their hardware and software to enable the students to learn in an even more practical way.
Already in the first semesters, our students get the opportunity to work with Arturia hardware synthesizers both in class and at home, and to apply the theoretical knowledge they have learned in the digital environment to their own music using a high-quality analog synthesizer.
© Arturia
In addition, we also work with Arturia sequencers, drum machines and audio interfaces and also provide our students with the full range of software instruments so that they become familiar with the basic functionality. The cooperation between Arturia's creative products and our academic knowledge transfer is an enrichment for both sides, which VMI and its students appreciate very much.
Daniel Kohlmeigner - Department leader for "Electronic Music & Sound Design" at VMI
Cooperation with Deutschothek